about me

alias: Jason
born in: 2002
sex: male
currently: a college student (anth/archaeology)
struggles: remembering to drink water
enjoys: history, the old web, vintage video games, old animations/cartoons/anime,
savory things, dogs, rainbows, turtleneck sweaters, yellow cars,
the smell of the forest and sound of the river, and you :)

music taste: this and this and also this! (Youtube links)
favorite foods: goldfish, iced coffee, any form of meat bun
primary interests: music, zelda, ancient societies, evangelion, old cars,
making art, ddr, going to therapy

when I was a kid I was not allowed to have any sort of video games. we didn't have tv or talk about pop culture. the family computer was an old emac with unstable flash capability and I got 30 minutes every other day to spend online. in my search across the web as a child I discovered virtual pet sites, including neopets.
neopets (even if you can't play all the games all the time) spoke to 8 year old me pretty deeply. I had a love for words so I fell in love with the text based pages and built in webpage design the site offered. it also made me a furry.
here's my tribute to that.

contact: ipod#0379